The External
Personal Practice
When we were younger… it seemed time move so slow… the older we get it seems time is moving faster and faster; but the reality is that time has not changed… only our perception of it has changed. At one time people saw the world as flat, a straight line. When they conceived of the […]
The mind has many dimensions with the ability to expand its attention, and to focus, limit, contain, and even close off that attention. Within the mind are the body’s transmitter and receiver. What happens in the mind affects how one feels emotionally and physically. There is an ancient saying, “As above, so below”; what one […]
For the Westerner Yoga is a form of physical exercise. Without an understanding of the essential purpose of Yoga, the essence is often missed. There are so many variations of Yoga these days, many have forgotten or have no idea of what in fact they are practicing. The actual practice is a constant regular introspection […]
YOGA – A Theosophical Perspectives
Yoga has become a popular, even a fashionable, activity in recent years. Many people who see it on television or videos, or participate in some of its popular forms, associate it with such physical exercises as standing on one’s head or twisting the body into various postures or practicing breath control.
The 8 Limbs of Astanga
Astanga literally means eight limbs. Astanga Yoga practiced in its correct sequential order, gradually leads the practicioner to rediscover their fullest potential on all levels of human consciousness. This demanding practice requires considerable effort. It strengthens will and purifies the nervous system; the mind becomes lucid, clear and precise There are eight component stages, collectively […]
The Bandhas: 4 Energy Locks in Yoga
In yoga classes or training, you have probably heard about the bandhas, the internal energy locks. Many yoga teachers regularly use the phrase ‘activate your bandhas’ in their instructions, but quite often it isn’t explained further. Read on to understand what the bandhas are, what it actually means to activate the bandhas, and the purpose […]
Martial Arts
The art does not make the artist; the artist makes the art. My introduction to martial arts was fashioned after a Japanese system. The hierarchy was a belt system: white – green – purple – brown – black. Throughout my twenties, I trained with the Martial Arts Conservatory in New York City and regularly attended […]
Recapturing Magnetism & Reawakening Genius
The sun shined bright and the park was bustling full of people. Kids and dogs frolicked in the fountain; musicians sang their songs, jazz music played while the acrobats announced the start of their next performance. I sat in Washington Square Park revering the hot spring day, people watching, invigorated by the cacophony of sounds.